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Do exterminators typically offer a guarantee on their services?

In most cases
In some cases
Not sure
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Question: Do exterminators typically offer a guarantee on their services?
Top Answer (46% of 15 votes): In most cases.

Answer: In most cases
Explanation: It is what the customer expects.
Patrick's Pest Control
Answer: In most cases
Explanation: Of course it depends on the situation but most do provide a guarantee.
Fall Guys LLC
Answer: Always
Explanation: If they do not, call someone who does!!!
The Wildlife Specialist LLC
Answer: In some cases
Explanation: Unfortunately, it's impossible to guarantee results. However, some exterminators will return your home if the first round of treatment was not effective.
MJ Services
Answer: Not sure
Explanation: I am a home inspector not a contractor.
MC2 Home Inspections
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